Schnellsuche Dakimakura bezug, Umarmungs Körper Kissenbezug, dakimakura kaufen, Mass Angefertigt
Custom Made / Mass Angefertigt
Willst du einzigartig und einzigartig sein? Haben Sie einen Lieblingscharakter? Tatsächliche Person? Objekt? Landschaft? Kann vorhandene Ware nicht finden? Wir können Ihnen jetzt helfen!Wir können maßgeschneiderte T-Shirts, Kissenbezüge,Bettwäsche,Bettbezüge,Handtücher,Wandbanner und vieles mehr her..
Verfügbare Optionen
Willst du einzigartig und einzigartig sein? Haben Sie einen Lieblingscharakter? Tatsächliche Person? Objekt? Landschaft? Kann vorhandene Ware nicht finden? Wir können Ihnen jetzt helfen!Wir können maßgeschneiderte T-Shirts, Kissenbezüge,Bettwäsche,Bettbezüge,Handtücher,Wandbanner und vieles mehr herstellen!
You Pick,We Make.Risk Free & We Make Only if the Print is AMAZING
Please Follow 3 step blow,you will get your own yourself Dakimakura.
1.Find an image that is at least 1,417 x 4,251 pixels (larger the better quality) and 120 and above dpi (dots per inch).If image file size is too large for upload,please upload to servers such as dropbox,google drive,flickr, etc... and send us the image file URL path so we can download it directly via email [email protected] or at checkout.For more custom made resolution,see below.
*Images should be in dimensions of ratio Height to Width: 3 to 1
*(For 150 x 50cm Dakimakura).CMYK and RGB colours are fine.
*For front and back of each dakimakura,please separate into 2 photo upload
*Recommend above 5MB file to ensure High Definition and no blurry result
*Dakimakura Cover Custom Pixels Request for the Size
45*45cm need 1500*1500 PX
40*60cm need 1500*2000 PX
40*70cm need 1500*2500 PX
34*100cm need 1500*3000 PX
50*150cm need 1500*4500 PX
50*160cm need 1500*5000 PX
60*170cm need 1500*6000 PX
60*180cm need 1500*6000 PX
If you require other sizes,required please email [email protected]
2.Rename image file to your name-front.jpg (for example john-front.jpg and john-back.jpg),then upload file in the above option.
3.Once confirmed,place order here by Add to Cart.If you have more than 1 custom made,repeat steps 1 to 3 for each item.
If you cannot find, no worries you can check out the websites below and type in "dakimakura" or your anime character name in their search bar
(iv) Use Google's Image Search to find Design
Sie können das innere Kissen separat kaufen.

You Pick,We Make.Risk Free & We Make Only if the Print is AMAZING
Please Follow 3 step blow,you will get your own yourself Dakimakura.
1.Find an image that is at least 1,417 x 4,251 pixels (larger the better quality) and 120 and above dpi (dots per inch).If image file size is too large for upload,please upload to servers such as dropbox,google drive,flickr, etc... and send us the image file URL path so we can download it directly via email [email protected] or at checkout.For more custom made resolution,see below.
*Images should be in dimensions of ratio Height to Width: 3 to 1
*(For 150 x 50cm Dakimakura).CMYK and RGB colours are fine.
*For front and back of each dakimakura,please separate into 2 photo upload
*Recommend above 5MB file to ensure High Definition and no blurry result
*Dakimakura Cover Custom Pixels Request for the Size
45*45cm need 1500*1500 PX
40*60cm need 1500*2000 PX
40*70cm need 1500*2500 PX
34*100cm need 1500*3000 PX
50*150cm need 1500*4500 PX
50*160cm need 1500*5000 PX
60*170cm need 1500*6000 PX
60*180cm need 1500*6000 PX
If you require other sizes,required please email [email protected]
2.Rename image file to your name-front.jpg (for example john-front.jpg and john-back.jpg),then upload file in the above option.
3.Once confirmed,place order here by Add to Cart.If you have more than 1 custom made,repeat steps 1 to 3 for each item.
If you cannot find, no worries you can check out the websites below and type in "dakimakura" or your anime character name in their search bar
(iv) Use Google's Image Search to find Design
Sie können das innere Kissen separat kaufen.