About Us
Dakimakuras.de online store is more than just another average online retailer.We sell not only top quality products,but give our customers a positive online shopping experience.Forget about struggling to do everything at once: taking care of the family, running your business,walking your dog,cleaning the house, doing the shopping, etc.Purchase the goods you need every day or just like in a few clicks or taps,depending on the device you use to access the Internet.We work to make your life more enjoyable.
We are the Anime Dakimakura outlet online store,we are a manufacturer,wholesale of authentic High Quality Japanese Anime dakimakura.Our products have been manufacturing for independent clients and Japanese OEM suppliers for over 9 years from a wholesale/bulk perspective and began eCommerce selling.Lastly,another segment of our customers are those who have commissioned designers to draw them a specific character or artwork and have asked us to make a custom pillow cover for them.We have producing quality products for over the past 9 years for both retail and business clients.The fabric is imported from Osaka,and we have been commissioned as a company to produce large orders of dakimakura prints for the anime studios.
We found that it was actually pretty hard to find a place nearby to be able to purchase Dakimakura or anime body pillows in your nearby street and we want to bridge this gap by providing one of the biggest collection of anime characters on premium quality covers.
We are also super hard working people and with a great team,we have been able to fulfill the growing demand that has been received by customers all over the world!
Dakimakuras.de offer the top quality products for customers,So Scientific management and Well-designed must be request.All Our Dakimakura Products have strict quality Control Process:
*Our designers will need to first validate the image and get it in the printer format for production.
*Then the image may require some enhancement of colours and fine detail before production.
*We also make a "test" image print on a matte paper of the equivalent size to evaluate the outcome.
*Once it passes both test, then we move on the using the hand-sewed dakimakura pillow cover of the fabric for printing.
*If there is a risk that the outcome quality is not good, our production team will notify us (customer service) and we will ask you whether you'd like to proceed with the order.
Dakimakuras.de are committed to delivering top quality products directly to you,all are sufficient to satisfy your various choices: bring you 100% satisfaction with the best service and low price. Dakimakuras DE Store will always strive to provide the very best Anime products and supplies at the very best value to our customers.Our sales and customer service department are extensively trained and dedicated to assist with "all your needs!" Find really cheap Anime Dakimakura,deals and discounts online!